Today Katie called me and told me that she was Student of the Year in 4 of her classes!!
Then her voice turned sad...and she then told me that she was only able (by the school) to receive 2 of them. I was like...WHY????
She said that her chorus teacher told her that the school thought it was unfair to other students. I'm sorry but Katie worked hard in her classes, why should they penalize her for working hard. She was told she had the awards for....1)Chorus 2)Art 3)PE and 4)Social Studies/Science.
She receives the actual award tomorrow and she was told that she would get the one for PE and Social Studies/Science. She said that she didn't know ANYTHING about ANY of them...except for chorus because the audience was told last night at her concert that she was the 7th grade Student of the Year...and now she can't have it. I know that life isn't fair, but dang!!!
How RIDICULOUS is that! She earned it: she deserves it! Four squared best-student-success of the year: you must be very very proud of her!!!
Congratulations to a great mamma bear and her daughter cub :)
This Political Correct BS sucks! Awards are earned. Your DD has so much to be proud of!
I say "Let the other Cretins feel bad- They earned it!"
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