It was decided that we should host a light show at the house last night...LOL. And me being me was skeert to death, SINCE Cody experimented with one of the fireworks and it went whizzing by my head into the neighbors yard....HOLY HANNAH!!!! All I could say was, my kids are going to be pyros when they grow up...I just know they are :)) And as you can tell, I thought if I turned the camera vertical that it would be able to get the firecracker shooting off and exploding....WRONG!!! You just get a crick in your neck from turning your head sideways...LOL
Katie was running around with an ace bandage on her left wrist...she decided she wanted to be Supergirl, and went from the landing to the bottle step, but missed that one and landed wrong...THEN jumped in the pool and hit her hand. Sooooo, she now has a sprained wrist.
Thanks for sharing that! You have the cutest decorations for your lawn ... I always think the "impossible" holiday for which to decorate is Labour Day ... I mean what represents it? Pitchforks, shovels, rubber gloves?
Hope your dd is feeling better :)
Very cool! Just like being there...well, except there's no annafreeze in my glass and now I have a crick in my neck too, lol.
Hope Katie's wrist is better. Hugs!
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