Katie came home from school Friday, on one hand she was tickled to death...she made the volleyball team, but on the other hand she was almost in tears.
She told me that her English teacher had called her and another little girl to his desk on Friday and said to the one little girl...you have 7 AR points and Katie you have 8.5 AR points...it seems that the two of you aren't trying. AR points are points that you receive after you've read a book and take a test. Katie told me Friday that they are optional, but she had told me that she was trying for a goal of 100 this year. And I said more power to ya.
The teacher told of the girls that he was going to give them MORE work so that he will know they are reading, he said maybe even get your parents to sign it. I looked at Katie and said...fine with me, you read to me every night...or if you don't actually read to me, I can see you sitting on the couch reading. She has read 3 books in the last 2 weeks...which is a GREAT accomplishment for her. She read...I Would Tell You That I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You and Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy both by Ally Carter. She loved these books, and I said to her while she was reading the last one...do they have the AR test for these books, she replied back to me...I dunno, but I can ask and see if they can get them for me. She's still waiting on the answer. Then we got Heaven Must Look Alot Like The Mall last Saturday and she finished on Monday after school...and again, I said to her, is there an AR test for this book...to which I got the same reply. Now she is reading Twilight and this book does have an AR test worth 12 to 16 points. I asked Katie if she told her teacher she was reading this book...and I got a no ma'am.
I'm afraid that the teacher is now going to take the love of books that she just found away from her because he doesn't think she's trying hard enough. I asked her if she wanted me to call him or email him to tell him what she has read and is waiting on whether or not there's an AR test. Again, I got no ma'am.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Boy miles sure do rack up fast......

We (Charles and I) left on Thursday night driving to Atlanta...we got there around 11:30PM and I immediately went to bed. We got up around 6AM on Friday morning...that's what time the movers showed up. And they moved boxes and furniture ALL morning long. Charles was driving the rental truck. At around 2PM we left Atlanta and Maril started out driving my car, and when we got to SC I took over the driving. We got to Charlotte, NC around 5PM...just in time for rush hour AND race traffic...LOL. We made it to Winston-Salem, NC around 7:30. Her hubby met us and the 4 of us went to eat. She and Luigi went back to their hotel, Charles and I came home. We hit the sack....ZZZZZzzzzzz (out like a light)by 830PM.
Saturday morning we got up around 4:30AM...left the house to meet up with them so that we could get started on the drive to DC. We pulled out around 6AM...and finally arrived in Falls Church, VA around 1:30 - 2:00PM. We had to go to a public storage place and have 1/2 of one of the trucks emptied. Then we went to their apartment and had the other 1/2 of one truck unpacked. After that Charles moved the one truck and backed the other one up so that it could be unloaded. At this time it was around 5:30PM. Charles got into the rental truck and I got into my car and we left to take the truck back to the rental place. I picked him up, and we hit the road coming back home to NC.
It was midnight when I pulled into the driveway back at Home Sweet Home. I hit the bed as soon as I walked into the house and did NOT move until 8AM Sunday morning and then I only rolled over and went back to sleep.
Talk about a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG trip....phew! I did tell Maril that I was NOT going to help her move EVER again....LOL
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Why are decisions so hard?
I went outside to feed the dogs yesterday and I noticed that Katie's dog (Rosie) was yelping when the other day just barely touched her. These dogs are around 8 or 9 years old.
Not too long ago Rosie was acting funny, so Charles took her to the vet and she had heartworms (it's a LONGGGGGG story)...the vet treated her and she seem to have gotten better, but now she's back (to me)where she was before and I just don't have the money if the treatment isn't 100% guaranteed.
The hard decision part comes in here...if Rosie continues to get worse, should I have her put down and then if I decide to....do I tell Katie and ask if she wants to go with me or do I act like she just died one weekend while Katie is at her daddys?
I just don't know what to do....I feel like I would be lying to the child (well DUH), but I don't want her to be crying her eyes out.
Big sigh
Not too long ago Rosie was acting funny, so Charles took her to the vet and she had heartworms (it's a LONGGGGGG story)...the vet treated her and she seem to have gotten better, but now she's back (to me)where she was before and I just don't have the money if the treatment isn't 100% guaranteed.
The hard decision part comes in here...if Rosie continues to get worse, should I have her put down and then if I decide to....do I tell Katie and ask if she wants to go with me or do I act like she just died one weekend while Katie is at her daddys?
I just don't know what to do....I feel like I would be lying to the child (well DUH), but I don't want her to be crying her eyes out.
Big sigh
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