I took C this morning to get his license, and he passed the driving test!!!!! And of all the reactions I could have had...I sat there and cried when he walked back into the office and had a BIG grin on his face. Tears just started to roll down my face. My little boy is just another step on his journey to becoming my BIG boy....since he'll ALWAYS be my baby boy!!
And here's what he will be driving.
And wheels too!!!!
LOL!!! He gets to pay for the gas...the poor youngin...keyword...POOR!!!! But he's so cute when he's driving that truck. I saw him yesterday when he left and I was getting home and he had the BIGGEST grin on his face and he gave me the finger wave...NOT the finger...but the wave...like...hey...I'm cool...LOL! Now I'm just waiting on this personalized license plate to show up....he doesn't know about it...it was his sister's idea, and Charles seconded the motion...so when I went to get the title changed, I had them get him the license plate...LOL. I'm like a kids in a candy store...I can't wait until he sees it...I'm not telling him. I wonder how long it will take him until he notices. When he does...I'll take a picture and post it.
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