or he "THINKS" he's decided he wants to try his hand at riding bulls.
Big sigh...I keep saying...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger....OVER AND OVER...LOL. He said something to Charles about it...but he also added, but I don't think Mama wants me to...WELL DUH!!! Lawd love that youngin' And people wonder why I don't let some things faze me...it's because I'm sorta kinda numb...**giggles**
Charles said...oh let him...**mama look** to him. He said...well I did it...then he adds...don't look at me like that...LMAO! I said...my point exactly...**giggles**
I guess it's one of those wait and see...and PRAY ALOT!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Oh I think I've bitten off more then I can chew....
Breathe in...breathe out...DO NOT PANIC!!!!! Okay the shirts are here...and I've just started on them....cross ya fingers....breathe in...breathe out!!!
I do embroidery on the side to help pay for little things...you know like...KIDS...LOL
Anyway....I embroidered a few red polos shirts for a guy that I do embroidery for. He showed the samples to the school and I get an email from him YESTERDAY saying that the school wants 40 shirts, and that he's sending them to me.
THEN he says in the email...oh by the way...they want them by Monday, due to the fact that they have a FALL event on Tuesday...**insert BLANK stare**. I sent him a reply of ROFLMAO. He sent me back one that said....OH PLEASE...OH PLEASE...TELL ME YOU CAN DO THIS. He's NUTS! He has failed to tell me WHEN I would be getting the shirts.
I emailed him back and said....ummm Frankie...it takes me 30 minutes for EACH shirt....that's gonna be 20 HOURS!!!! Funny...I haven't heard back from him yet. So if they show up today...I'll start working on them...and I'm having Cody's 17th birthday tonight...so when everyone leaves...then I'll start back to work on them again. And hopefully will get them done and out of the house by Friday evening.
I do embroidery on the side to help pay for little things...you know like...KIDS...LOL
Anyway....I embroidered a few red polos shirts for a guy that I do embroidery for. He showed the samples to the school and I get an email from him YESTERDAY saying that the school wants 40 shirts, and that he's sending them to me.

THEN he says in the email...oh by the way...they want them by Monday, due to the fact that they have a FALL event on Tuesday...**insert BLANK stare**. I sent him a reply of ROFLMAO. He sent me back one that said....OH PLEASE...OH PLEASE...TELL ME YOU CAN DO THIS. He's NUTS! He has failed to tell me WHEN I would be getting the shirts.
I emailed him back and said....ummm Frankie...it takes me 30 minutes for EACH shirt....that's gonna be 20 HOURS!!!! Funny...I haven't heard back from him yet. So if they show up today...I'll start working on them...and I'm having Cody's 17th birthday tonight...so when everyone leaves...then I'll start back to work on them again. And hopefully will get them done and out of the house by Friday evening.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
English teachers.......aaarrrrrgggghhhhh!
Katie came home from school Friday, on one hand she was tickled to death...she made the volleyball team, but on the other hand she was almost in tears.
She told me that her English teacher had called her and another little girl to his desk on Friday and said to the one little girl...you have 7 AR points and Katie you have 8.5 AR points...it seems that the two of you aren't trying. AR points are points that you receive after you've read a book and take a test. Katie told me Friday that they are optional, but she had told me that she was trying for a goal of 100 this year. And I said more power to ya.
The teacher told of the girls that he was going to give them MORE work so that he will know they are reading, he said maybe even get your parents to sign it. I looked at Katie and said...fine with me, you read to me every night...or if you don't actually read to me, I can see you sitting on the couch reading. She has read 3 books in the last 2 weeks...which is a GREAT accomplishment for her. She read...I Would Tell You That I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You and Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy both by Ally Carter. She loved these books, and I said to her while she was reading the last one...do they have the AR test for these books, she replied back to me...I dunno, but I can ask and see if they can get them for me. She's still waiting on the answer. Then we got Heaven Must Look Alot Like The Mall last Saturday and she finished on Monday after school...and again, I said to her, is there an AR test for this book...to which I got the same reply. Now she is reading Twilight and this book does have an AR test worth 12 to 16 points. I asked Katie if she told her teacher she was reading this book...and I got a no ma'am.
I'm afraid that the teacher is now going to take the love of books that she just found away from her because he doesn't think she's trying hard enough. I asked her if she wanted me to call him or email him to tell him what she has read and is waiting on whether or not there's an AR test. Again, I got no ma'am.
She told me that her English teacher had called her and another little girl to his desk on Friday and said to the one little girl...you have 7 AR points and Katie you have 8.5 AR points...it seems that the two of you aren't trying. AR points are points that you receive after you've read a book and take a test. Katie told me Friday that they are optional, but she had told me that she was trying for a goal of 100 this year. And I said more power to ya.
The teacher told of the girls that he was going to give them MORE work so that he will know they are reading, he said maybe even get your parents to sign it. I looked at Katie and said...fine with me, you read to me every night...or if you don't actually read to me, I can see you sitting on the couch reading. She has read 3 books in the last 2 weeks...which is a GREAT accomplishment for her. She read...I Would Tell You That I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You and Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy both by Ally Carter. She loved these books, and I said to her while she was reading the last one...do they have the AR test for these books, she replied back to me...I dunno, but I can ask and see if they can get them for me. She's still waiting on the answer. Then we got Heaven Must Look Alot Like The Mall last Saturday and she finished on Monday after school...and again, I said to her, is there an AR test for this book...to which I got the same reply. Now she is reading Twilight and this book does have an AR test worth 12 to 16 points. I asked Katie if she told her teacher she was reading this book...and I got a no ma'am.
I'm afraid that the teacher is now going to take the love of books that she just found away from her because he doesn't think she's trying hard enough. I asked her if she wanted me to call him or email him to tell him what she has read and is waiting on whether or not there's an AR test. Again, I got no ma'am.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Boy miles sure do rack up fast......

We (Charles and I) left on Thursday night driving to Atlanta...we got there around 11:30PM and I immediately went to bed. We got up around 6AM on Friday morning...that's what time the movers showed up. And they moved boxes and furniture ALL morning long. Charles was driving the rental truck. At around 2PM we left Atlanta and Maril started out driving my car, and when we got to SC I took over the driving. We got to Charlotte, NC around 5PM...just in time for rush hour AND race traffic...LOL. We made it to Winston-Salem, NC around 7:30. Her hubby met us and the 4 of us went to eat. She and Luigi went back to their hotel, Charles and I came home. We hit the sack....ZZZZZzzzzzz (out like a light)by 830PM.
Saturday morning we got up around 4:30AM...left the house to meet up with them so that we could get started on the drive to DC. We pulled out around 6AM...and finally arrived in Falls Church, VA around 1:30 - 2:00PM. We had to go to a public storage place and have 1/2 of one of the trucks emptied. Then we went to their apartment and had the other 1/2 of one truck unpacked. After that Charles moved the one truck and backed the other one up so that it could be unloaded. At this time it was around 5:30PM. Charles got into the rental truck and I got into my car and we left to take the truck back to the rental place. I picked him up, and we hit the road coming back home to NC.
It was midnight when I pulled into the driveway back at Home Sweet Home. I hit the bed as soon as I walked into the house and did NOT move until 8AM Sunday morning and then I only rolled over and went back to sleep.
Talk about a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG trip....phew! I did tell Maril that I was NOT going to help her move EVER again....LOL
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Why are decisions so hard?
I went outside to feed the dogs yesterday and I noticed that Katie's dog (Rosie) was yelping when the other day just barely touched her. These dogs are around 8 or 9 years old.
Not too long ago Rosie was acting funny, so Charles took her to the vet and she had heartworms (it's a LONGGGGGG story)...the vet treated her and she seem to have gotten better, but now she's back (to me)where she was before and I just don't have the money if the treatment isn't 100% guaranteed.
The hard decision part comes in here...if Rosie continues to get worse, should I have her put down and then if I decide to....do I tell Katie and ask if she wants to go with me or do I act like she just died one weekend while Katie is at her daddys?
I just don't know what to do....I feel like I would be lying to the child (well DUH), but I don't want her to be crying her eyes out.
Big sigh
Not too long ago Rosie was acting funny, so Charles took her to the vet and she had heartworms (it's a LONGGGGGG story)...the vet treated her and she seem to have gotten better, but now she's back (to me)where she was before and I just don't have the money if the treatment isn't 100% guaranteed.
The hard decision part comes in here...if Rosie continues to get worse, should I have her put down and then if I decide to....do I tell Katie and ask if she wants to go with me or do I act like she just died one weekend while Katie is at her daddys?
I just don't know what to do....I feel like I would be lying to the child (well DUH), but I don't want her to be crying her eyes out.
Big sigh
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Teenage Boys...and clothes washing.....
Poor Cody decided the other night that he "NEEDED" to wash clothes. Here's a little side note...the boy HAS jeans, but for some reason he likes only ONE pair. So he decides he needs to wash his jeans...LOL.
He puts the dark colored clothes in the washer and then goes...what do I do now? So I got up off the couch and walked him thru the process...NEVER knowing or even thinking about the drying process...LOL.
After the clothes were washed (I was fast asleep by this time), he put the clothes in the dryer. The next day I came home from work and he had folded the clothes...yep, my bras and panties were in that pile of folded clothes.
Well at that moment I thought to myself...WELLLLLLLLLLLL....you will never get back into THOSE again. I walked into his room and sat on the bed and said....Cody honey?....can I tell you one little thing about drying clothes? He cut his eyes to me and said...ummmm...you'll never fit into those again? I looked at him and just laughed and said....you got it....I went on to say...do NOT EVER dry a females bra and panties...it's just an unwritten law. He looked at me and grinned innocently and said....yes ma'am.
I tell ya what...I love that boy...which is a good thing, or I would make him wear my panties so he could see how it feels...LOL
He puts the dark colored clothes in the washer and then goes...what do I do now? So I got up off the couch and walked him thru the process...NEVER knowing or even thinking about the drying process...LOL.
After the clothes were washed (I was fast asleep by this time), he put the clothes in the dryer. The next day I came home from work and he had folded the clothes...yep, my bras and panties were in that pile of folded clothes.
Well at that moment I thought to myself...WELLLLLLLLLLLL....you will never get back into THOSE again. I walked into his room and sat on the bed and said....Cody honey?....can I tell you one little thing about drying clothes? He cut his eyes to me and said...ummmm...you'll never fit into those again? I looked at him and just laughed and said....you got it....I went on to say...do NOT EVER dry a females bra and panties...it's just an unwritten law. He looked at me and grinned innocently and said....yes ma'am.
I tell ya what...I love that boy...which is a good thing, or I would make him wear my panties so he could see how it feels...LOL
Sunday, September 9, 2007
NAS Oceana Airshow 2007
I went with a couple of friends to Virginia Beach over the weekend and we went to the NAS Oceana Airshow. Cindy had gotten us tickets to sit in the executive chalet. But on the way there while in the parking lot there was a car to our right and Cindy says....I don't care if it's Rudy...don't let him in and Mike...well he let him in...and we all went...OMGosh IT IS RUDY!!!! (from Survivor)...LOL
After we parked and got thru the gate, we were walking to the chalet and this NAVY guy driving a golf car limo stopped in front of us and asked if we would like a ride....we looked at each other and said...SURE! Then we looked at him and said...why us? He said it was his job, and I burst out to laughing and said...what's your job, getting the old people from out of infront of the gate? He started to laugh, and said...nah, just to drive around and give people rides. We were like how cool is this? And if you read Sin's blog she'll do a better job at this then I will...LOL.
But we got there and the show was wonderful...plus the fact we were UPCLOSE too. She, Mike and I got challenge coins from the group of guys that actual fly the F22 Raptor.
We left the airshow, went back to the hotel, got our chairs and Cindy and I walked down to 31st Street Park and listened to the NAVY band playing (Mike had finally joined us)...and after the band finished, you heard whistles blowing and I looked up and said to Cindy....ummm...here come the Blue Angels...and they (the pilots and all the crew) walked into the park and right in front of us

They stayed in the park for a little meet and greet.
I know I had a great time and I would like to thank both Cindy and Mike for letting me tag along. And WOW...I didn't notice that the date was THAT far off on my camera.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Redneck High Dive....Labor Day
I had told the kids that I would taking the pool down soon, so they decided to play in it today. With the ladder...aka....Redneck High Dive...LOL. I was scared to death that they were going to get hurt. And thank goodness they didn't.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Car insurance....
It's a racket...it's gotta be. Got the bill for the 6 month premium. Uh huh with Cody on the insurance now well can you say...I need to take out another mortgage?
I gave his father the bill with the amount circled in PURPLE marker and I had written under it, how much he owned. He looked at me and goes...what's this? (now I'm thinking DUH, you can't read?) I said it's the car insurance...you know 6 months? He goes ALREADY?!?! I went...well yeah. He takes it and looks at it and then says to me....well I'll have to take this home and look it over and I'll let you know.
Okay...I might not be the smartest person on the planet, but I'm NOT as dumb as a box of rocks....he'll let me know what? The temperature for tomorrow...the winning lottery numbers...why he's such a butthole?
I paid the insurance and now it's a wait and see situation...but if he doesn't pay his 1/2 I do believe I'm going to tell Cody about it.
I gave his father the bill with the amount circled in PURPLE marker and I had written under it, how much he owned. He looked at me and goes...what's this? (now I'm thinking DUH, you can't read?) I said it's the car insurance...you know 6 months? He goes ALREADY?!?! I went...well yeah. He takes it and looks at it and then says to me....well I'll have to take this home and look it over and I'll let you know.
Okay...I might not be the smartest person on the planet, but I'm NOT as dumb as a box of rocks....he'll let me know what? The temperature for tomorrow...the winning lottery numbers...why he's such a butthole?
I paid the insurance and now it's a wait and see situation...but if he doesn't pay his 1/2 I do believe I'm going to tell Cody about it.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wal-Mart Giftcards......

The minds of little ones....lawd love them.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Boys at play...LOL
Cody and a friend of his Dylan were bored the other day. So Cody took his go-cart over to Dylan's and they decided to see just how muddy they could get. Cody took Katie along for the ride and she's the one that did the video taping. And let me tell you, I think his jeans and shirt had to be washed 3 times before anything came off. As for his hat, he's so proud of the new "orange" hat that he has...LOL.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
July 4th at the homestead...LOL

It was decided that we should host a light show at the house last night...LOL. And me being me was skeert to death, SINCE Cody experimented with one of the fireworks and it went whizzing by my head into the neighbors yard....HOLY HANNAH!!!! All I could say was, my kids are going to be pyros when they grow up...I just know they are :)) And as you can tell, I thought if I turned the camera vertical that it would be able to get the firecracker shooting off and exploding....WRONG!!! You just get a crick in your neck from turning your head sideways...LOL
Katie was running around with an ace bandage on her left wrist...she decided she wanted to be Supergirl, and went from the landing to the bottle step, but missed that one and landed wrong...THEN jumped in the pool and hit her hand. Sooooo, she now has a sprained wrist.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Today Katie called me and told me that she was Student of the Year in 4 of her classes!!
Then her voice turned sad...and she then told me that she was only able (by the school) to receive 2 of them. I was like...WHY????
She said that her chorus teacher told her that the school thought it was unfair to other students. I'm sorry but Katie worked hard in her classes, why should they penalize her for working hard. She was told she had the awards for....1)Chorus 2)Art 3)PE and 4)Social Studies/Science.
She receives the actual award tomorrow and she was told that she would get the one for PE and Social Studies/Science. She said that she didn't know ANYTHING about ANY of them...except for chorus because the audience was told last night at her concert that she was the 7th grade Student of the Year...and now she can't have it. I know that life isn't fair, but dang!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Big Party Night....
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Breath Deep.....
I received a phone call just a little while ago from Katie's grandmother wanting to know if Katie went on the trip to the zoo today. I said....well yeah she went. Then she said....have you heard what happened?
Deep breath....no...what's happened. She proceeded to tell me that the kids got on the bus at school, and while sitting in the parking lot one of the boys got up to go to the bathroom at the back of the bus. He opened the door and to his surprise there was another little boy in there...WITH A GUN!!! These are 7th graders that I'm talking about.
The one with the gun said to the other one...DON'T TELL ANYONE! So the poor, scared little boy went straight to the front of the bus and told the teacher! I can't be grateful enough to him for having the guts to do it.
The teacher unloaded the bus, and then went to the back and opened the bathroom door...got the punk off the bus and called the cops. After that the other students boarded the bus again, and off to the zoo they went.
I haven't heard from Katie yet, but I did call her cell phone...which is turned off. I left her a message and asked her to please call me when she got the message.
The school has not called me yet to inform me of what happened today.
And my kids wonder why I have headaches...LOL!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
All I can say is.....

I have one of the NC Wildlife Archery Champions living in my house!!! C's team went to the NC State Wildlife competition today in Ellerbe. Their 1st event of the day was archery....well my stomach was in knots, due to the fact that Cody had a run in with the coach on Thursday. To make a VERY long story short....I took hats and shirts to the coach for the team on Thursday, and I had to take C's bow case out of my car and C said to me....Mama, please don't bump my bow, I don't want my sights out of alignment. And then he said something like, cuz I don't know if I can get them fixed.
Well his coach heard it and SCREAMED at the top of his lungs at Cody....$10,000 Cody is what it's worth....are you throwing it away.....yadda yadda yadda....and he proceeds to walk into the school and C is following him with the shirts....well the coach THREW the hats and shirts on the floor and then turned and got into C's face and continued to YELL at him. I finally stepped up, when I could move, since I was so shocked by it all, that I froze. And I said....Come on C, WE'RE GOING HOME!!! (he was suppose to be going to practice that day). And then me being the Mama....shoved the door to the room open and said, in a NOT so low voice....NO ONE TALKS TO MY CHILD LIKE SHIT!!!!! NO ONE!!!
We got in the car and I called his daddy...told him what had just happened and he asked to speak to C. C said to his daddy....I don't want to shoot ANYMORE....NOTHING!!! I don't want to go to State. So he and I went home. Next thing we knew the phone was ringing...it was the coach and I wouldn't answer it.
I was FURIOUS....and when I did sorta kinda finally calmed down, C and I went to return the coach's call, only to hear K say...hang the phone up, he's here in the driveway. Yep, the coach had shown up at the house. Jeff (the daddy) had called him and told him what C had decided to do...that he was NOT going to compete. The coach came to apologize to both of us....he had apologized earlier to Jeff, and Jeff had said to him...it's NOT me that you should apologize to....it's C.
So the man apologized to C and then started and I said....NO! You will NEVER talk to my child like that again!!! Then I said to him....let me ask you a question....if that had been YOUR daughter....and someone had YELLED at her....what would YOU do? He couldn't answer me. Instead we got to hear about how he was emotionally and physically exhausted, how he puts so much time into it....and I said....well you know, you are not the only one. These kids do too, and so do the parents that make sure they are at practice and make sure they have shotguns, rifles and bows.
He looked C in the eyes and said....All I can say is...I messed up, I'm sorry...I can't take it back, but I wish I could. I said to him....I want you to know I was so mad at you, that I could have bitten the heads off of penny nails. I looked the coach in the eye and said....YOU CRUSHED HIM!!!! and when you did that....it BROKE MY HEART!!!! The coach then looked at C and said....please tell me that you'll shoot on Saturday. C sorta put his head down and then nodded...and said....yes, sir. I looked at him and said....are you sure? He cut me a look and said....yes, ma'am....so I looked at the coach and said....We'll be there Saturday...but if you EVER think about yelling at him again...FOR NO REASON....just remember, I WILL TAKE A STICK TO YOUR HEAD!!!!
We talked for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. And on Friday I went to school and signed C out early, then took him to the bow shop to make sure that his bow was okay for the competition. Now getting back to today and my baby boy the champ. Like I said up above the 1st event was archery, and the 4 team members for archery got up to the lines...there were 16 in all....East Forsyth and 3 other teams....and they started. C was doing wonderful.....5 in the yellow....moved back to 15 yds....5 in the yellow.....move back to 20 yds.....5 in the yellow....and by this time, I had my fingers crossed...and asking the good Lord to be with him....move back to 25 yds....5 in the yellow....HE HAD JUST SCORED A PERFECT 200!!!!!!!! He was the only one on the team that scored that and the team won 1st place in the state for archery!!!!! There were only 4 perfect scores in archery.
And Cody came in 2nd place in the state for archery with a score of 200 and 6 x's (bullseyes). When he was shooting and realized that he had shot the 200 he had the world's BIGGEST grin on his face!!!!!!! And I had tears streaming down my face. The art teacher at the high school (who helps them with the orienteering part of the competition) came up to me as tears were running down her face and hugged me, and whispered in my ear...I KNEW he could do it. I was hugging her back and said to her...so did I. Then her son who was in the competition also, walked up to Cody and grabbed him and hugged him while they were walking towards the targets to get their arrows.
Friday, April 6, 2007
What makes a friend a friend???
Does it have to do with the way we were brought up?
Does it have to do with the color of our skin?
Does it have to do with similarities?
What makes a friend a friend?
Does it have to do with going thru a crisis together?
Does it have to do with being a good listener?
Does it have to do with knowing when NOT to give advise?
What makes a friend a friend?
Does it have to do with the color of our skin?
Does it have to do with similarities?
What makes a friend a friend?
Does it have to do with going thru a crisis together?
Does it have to do with being a good listener?
Does it have to do with knowing when NOT to give advise?
What makes a friend a friend?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Yesterday Harmony, NC....next month Ellerbee, NC
Yesterday was District 7 competition for the East Forsyth Hunter Safety Shooting Team! And the team that C was on placed 1st....did ya HEAR me....1ST in Archery!!!! C scored a 198 out of 200. And in shotgun he scored 180 out of 200. The team that he was on was invited to the STATE competition in Ellerbee, NC in April. They beat Forbush by 1 point!!!
Now the practice starts ALL over again on Tuesday. He has to requalify for shotgun, archery, and rifle. He didn't get to shoot rifle in this competition even though he came in 7th out of 28. And the reason is that would have put him on the 2nd team, and once you qualify on a high team you are on that team. One of the guys on his team won individual award for archery, he beat C by 1 point. Now we have raffles and dinners to run to hopefully raise money so that if they do really well at State they can go to Nationals in New Mexico in July.
It was 83 degrees there yesterday and talk about HOT!!!! I guess I'll have to design and get more t-shirts made for the group. It's a good thing that I had t-shirts made for them, they all ended up stripping down to their t-shirts. This is the one that I've been working on for them to wear to Nationals if they make it. And to put logos of sponsors on there.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Claps hands AND grins REAL big
Today C qualified for Shotgun and Rifle (it was the last day for this event), and he scored 18 of 20 and 19 of 20.
And THEN when the team had finished qualifying on one of the shotgun stations, K brought out her shotgun and her father sat at the thrower and pulled the trap for her. That child shot 5 or 6 out of 10. And she looked great. I just wish I had taken my camera and had taken her picture.
This coming Saturday is District competition, and I'm taking the DVD camcorder so that I can record all the action.
And THEN when the team had finished qualifying on one of the shotgun stations, K brought out her shotgun and her father sat at the thrower and pulled the trap for her. That child shot 5 or 6 out of 10. And she looked great. I just wish I had taken my camera and had taken her picture.
This coming Saturday is District competition, and I'm taking the DVD camcorder so that I can record all the action.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Be Tender With My Love....
I had iTunes on today and this song started to play so you know me...LOL...I HAD to copy the lyrics to it.....
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
First I rise, then I fall
Seems like you don't want the love
Of this man at all
And it's sure been a lonely time
Right up to the time I met you
So if you take a love like mine
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to hurt me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't desert me
So you say to yourself, boy,
You're out of your brain;
Do you think I'm gonna stand here
All night in the rain?
And it's the start of a love affair
The moment when I first met you
And if you want I'll take you there;
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't forsake me.
With my love,
Our love will seal it together.
Oh, with our love,
You made a promise
You'll always love me forever.
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't forsake me
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
First I rise, then I fall
Seems like you don't want the love
Of this man at all
And it's sure been a lonely time
Right up to the time I met you
So if you take a love like mine
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to hurt me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't desert me
So you say to yourself, boy,
You're out of your brain;
Do you think I'm gonna stand here
All night in the rain?
And it's the start of a love affair
The moment when I first met you
And if you want I'll take you there;
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't forsake me.
With my love,
Our love will seal it together.
Oh, with our love,
You made a promise
You'll always love me forever.
Be tender with my love;
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love,
'Cause it's all that I've got
And my love won't forsake me
Saturday, March 10, 2007
If it's too good to be true....
does that go for people too? Today has been a day for thinking. I received a lovely gift today from a special friend, and it made me think. Then CD is here now and it made me stop and think too, about things in my life. I then started to think about the saying of "If it's too good to be true...it probably is"...and I wondered if people were in that too. CD seems to be a wonderful man...okay not seems to be...he is...or he's learning and he wants to be and he trying REAL hard to be. He's outside at the moment sanding a dresser so that he or I can paint it and make it appear the way I want it to be. He would do ANYTHING for me...but that scares me.
I've been on my own now for almost 6 years and I'm sorta kinda stuck in my ways. I asked him today if he noticed that I can be hardheaded where some things are concerned. He laughed and said...SOME???? Okay...okay.....more then some...but you have to understand in the past whatever I said or thought was of NO concern...it didn't matter. And now that I've been on my own for the last few years...I've been able to do what I want to do...withOUT worrying what someone else would say.
My fear is that I'll be too hardheaded and I won't take his thoughts and feelings into play. I believe the longer we're on our own, the more we think, it's MY way or the highway. I want to break this mold...but I'm also in the mind set that I REFUSE to be hurt again, so I try to act like NOTHING hurts me....WRONG. Today after CD and I talked...I told him about something that happened to me when I arrived at work one day....that I haven't told him before...and he grabbed me and hugged me...and I looked at him like WTF???? I'm okay...nothing happened, and he said....but something could have...and I said....well yeah, but it didn't.
And then we started to talk about my Mama....and I started to cry. I am such a wimp! I let the thought run thru my head about grieving someone that you've lost and I wondered how long does it take to get over it....and then as I was crying, I wondered if I would EVER get over it. How long DO you have to be strong? I'm afraid that if I keep trying to be strong, that I will be looked at as being cold hearted and unfeeling. And I don't know which is worse...cold-heartness or unfeeling.
On that happy note...CAROLINA TARHEELS won their game today....LOL! So see I DO have SOME joy in my life....LMAO! All joking aside...I do have wonderful times in my life. My kids are healthy...I'm healthy...and CD is back from Kuwait. I have wonderful friends who I KNOW I can count on in a crisis. So I guess I should SD&STFU!
I've been on my own now for almost 6 years and I'm sorta kinda stuck in my ways. I asked him today if he noticed that I can be hardheaded where some things are concerned. He laughed and said...SOME???? Okay...okay.....more then some...but you have to understand in the past whatever I said or thought was of NO concern...it didn't matter. And now that I've been on my own for the last few years...I've been able to do what I want to do...withOUT worrying what someone else would say.
My fear is that I'll be too hardheaded and I won't take his thoughts and feelings into play. I believe the longer we're on our own, the more we think, it's MY way or the highway. I want to break this mold...but I'm also in the mind set that I REFUSE to be hurt again, so I try to act like NOTHING hurts me....WRONG. Today after CD and I talked...I told him about something that happened to me when I arrived at work one day....that I haven't told him before...and he grabbed me and hugged me...and I looked at him like WTF???? I'm okay...nothing happened, and he said....but something could have...and I said....well yeah, but it didn't.
And then we started to talk about my Mama....and I started to cry. I am such a wimp! I let the thought run thru my head about grieving someone that you've lost and I wondered how long does it take to get over it....and then as I was crying, I wondered if I would EVER get over it. How long DO you have to be strong? I'm afraid that if I keep trying to be strong, that I will be looked at as being cold hearted and unfeeling. And I don't know which is worse...cold-heartness or unfeeling.
On that happy note...CAROLINA TARHEELS won their game today....LOL! So see I DO have SOME joy in my life....LMAO! All joking aside...I do have wonderful times in my life. My kids are healthy...I'm healthy...and CD is back from Kuwait. I have wonderful friends who I KNOW I can count on in a crisis. So I guess I should SD&STFU!
too good to be true
Thursday, March 8, 2007

I took C this morning to get his license, and he passed the driving test!!!!! And of all the reactions I could have had...I sat there and cried when he walked back into the office and had a BIG grin on his face. Tears just started to roll down my face. My little boy is just another step on his journey to becoming my BIG boy....since he'll ALWAYS be my baby boy!!
And here's what he will be driving.
Monday, March 5, 2007
The games that people play.....
or better yet...ex husbands. He should be the master of head games. Last night C came home and handed me back the check that I wrote to play 1/2 of his auto insurance for the year. With the comment...Daddy wants you to call him...(all I could think was...why, is his dialing finger broke?). Anyway I called him...mistake #1. J said to me, I gave C that check to give back to you. I don't know how much his insurance will be. BULL!!! Then he started....I have a question for you...did you buy C a truck? And I thought, like I have to tell you???!
He then goes into the "talk" of C has a truck, and this about the insurance and that about the insurance. I said, wait a minute J...if he's on YOUR policy he's covered to drive MY vehicles...ALL of my vehicles. He replies...yes. So I say then what does it matter if I've bought him a truck...if he's covered...he's covered! He says to me, well I have to tell the insurance company what the primary vehicle will be that he will be driving. I said...what does it matter...if he's covered...he's covered.
Then he drops the major bomb on me...and I was seeing RED. If I could have gotten thru that phone last night I would have....well...I just would have. He said something about the truck that he had brought C. And I said....excuse me, but YOU told me that it wasn't C's truck...that YOU considered it YOUR 3rd vehicle. He replied back with...I NEVER SAID THAT!!!!....okay pick me up off the floor!! I said YES YOU DID! When I said something to you about C thinking that truck was his, you replied with NO That's OUR (he and his wife) 3rd vehicle. And I said to you....well C thinks of it as his, and you said to me...AGAIN...it's OUR 3rd vehicle. If I need it or Grandma needs it, then we WILL have it. He said back to me....AGAIN...I NEVER SAID THAT!!! OMGosh, I was livid...I was shaking...and on the verge of tears! All that J could keep saying was...did you buy him a truck? I wouldn't answer him...it's NONE of his business. He then went on with, well if you did, and I get the insurance it's going to MESS IT ALL UP! Seems to me...like I've said over and over....if he's covered....he's covered.
Then J said something to me about...DO NOT TELL HIM ANYTHING ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION. I replied with, I didn't tell him about the other one, because I KNEW it would crush him, to which I got back....there's nothing to crush him about. I said, yes there was...you said the truck wasn't his, so yes that would have crushed him.
Anyway, J is suppose to be getting the form that C needs to get his license today. And J said that he would take off a week from today on the 12th for C to get his license. The MAIN reason I won't tell J about the truck...which I did buy...was because he likes to TRY to control me as he did when we were married and the way he likes to control the kids. I wouldn't tell him because I KNEW if he knew then he would hold off getting the insurance and the form. After C gets his license the truck will come out of hiding....but not until that time. J also only wants to get insurance for him for ONLY 6 months instead of a year....which I know means, he'll start some crap about....well if you don't do this or you don't do that...then I'm NOT going to renew your policy. If J does NOT attempt to get the form or take C on Monday the 12th, then I'm putting C on my policy and I'm taking him....I'm SICK and TIRED of waiting on him. He's drug his feet long enough.
Also last night C was so down, that I had him sit in my room with me and talk to me. He started to tear up, and he said....Mama I'm tired. I said of what? He replied with, I'm so tired of hearing you say stuff about Daddy and Daddy saying stuff about you...I'm tired of well he said...or well she said. My heart dropped. I looked at him and said, honey I have tried NOT to say ANYTHING about your Daddy around you or your sister. I'm sorry. Then I promised NOT to talk about his father around him again.
He then goes into the "talk" of C has a truck, and this about the insurance and that about the insurance. I said, wait a minute J...if he's on YOUR policy he's covered to drive MY vehicles...ALL of my vehicles. He replies...yes. So I say then what does it matter if I've bought him a truck...if he's covered...he's covered! He says to me, well I have to tell the insurance company what the primary vehicle will be that he will be driving. I said...what does it matter...if he's covered...he's covered.
Then he drops the major bomb on me...and I was seeing RED. If I could have gotten thru that phone last night I would have....well...I just would have. He said something about the truck that he had brought C. And I said....excuse me, but YOU told me that it wasn't C's truck...that YOU considered it YOUR 3rd vehicle. He replied back with...I NEVER SAID THAT!!!!....okay pick me up off the floor!! I said YES YOU DID! When I said something to you about C thinking that truck was his, you replied with NO That's OUR (he and his wife) 3rd vehicle. And I said to you....well C thinks of it as his, and you said to me...AGAIN...it's OUR 3rd vehicle. If I need it or Grandma needs it, then we WILL have it. He said back to me....AGAIN...I NEVER SAID THAT!!! OMGosh, I was livid...I was shaking...and on the verge of tears! All that J could keep saying was...did you buy him a truck? I wouldn't answer him...it's NONE of his business. He then went on with, well if you did, and I get the insurance it's going to MESS IT ALL UP! Seems to me...like I've said over and over....if he's covered....he's covered.
Then J said something to me about...DO NOT TELL HIM ANYTHING ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION. I replied with, I didn't tell him about the other one, because I KNEW it would crush him, to which I got back....there's nothing to crush him about. I said, yes there was...you said the truck wasn't his, so yes that would have crushed him.
Anyway, J is suppose to be getting the form that C needs to get his license today. And J said that he would take off a week from today on the 12th for C to get his license. The MAIN reason I won't tell J about the truck...which I did buy...was because he likes to TRY to control me as he did when we were married and the way he likes to control the kids. I wouldn't tell him because I KNEW if he knew then he would hold off getting the insurance and the form. After C gets his license the truck will come out of hiding....but not until that time. J also only wants to get insurance for him for ONLY 6 months instead of a year....which I know means, he'll start some crap about....well if you don't do this or you don't do that...then I'm NOT going to renew your policy. If J does NOT attempt to get the form or take C on Monday the 12th, then I'm putting C on my policy and I'm taking him....I'm SICK and TIRED of waiting on him. He's drug his feet long enough.
Also last night C was so down, that I had him sit in my room with me and talk to me. He started to tear up, and he said....Mama I'm tired. I said of what? He replied with, I'm so tired of hearing you say stuff about Daddy and Daddy saying stuff about you...I'm tired of well he said...or well she said. My heart dropped. I looked at him and said, honey I have tried NOT to say ANYTHING about your Daddy around you or your sister. I'm sorry. Then I promised NOT to talk about his father around him again.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Things that a sorta kinda stranger says.....
You know that deep down you are a good person, friend, or even Mama. Well today I drove close to 100 miles to get a 22 rifle for C. He didn't know I was getting it for him...I wanted it to be a surprise. He uses it for the Hunter Safety Shooting Team that he's on (High School). And after I had filled out the paperwork on it (and found out that I had NOOOOOOOO felonies...LOL) his coach called me. And I told him that I was driving home from getting the gun. And I told him that when C saw it that the 1st thought he would have would be....there goes the truck I wanted :. And I told his coach that I would tell C (and it would be the truth) that I had NOT touched the money for the truck.
You see the money that I used for the rifle came from the same place that I got the money to buy him a bow two years ago....my side job of embroidery. While I was talking to his coach and said that about the truck....he said to me...you know...you're a good Mama. Those words are the BEST words that I've had said to me in a LONG time. I almost started to cry, due to the fact that one of the things that my ex said to me time and time again....besides he didn't want me and NO other man would either was that I was a bad mother. I smiled to myself and said....Thank you...I try. And he said to me....you know C is a GREAT kid...and he deserves it. To which I replied...you know....I agree with you. He IS and he DOES!
I wish I had a camera when C saw the gun. I had put it on his bed and didn't tell him anything. He was ALL smiles. And he came up behind me, rubbed my back (while I was hooping another embroidery job) and said....Thank you, Mama. I replied with you're welcome. And he grabbed that rifle and was looking it OVER!!!!!!!!!
His coach called before I had gotten back from taking K to her horse riding lessons, and I was talking to him, and he said is C around...I laughed and said he will be when I get home. So he and I talked until I got home and I handed C the phone and said....Mr. C is on the phone...so he talked to C. And when C got off the phone, I asked him what did the coach say....he grinned and replied with....Mr. C said...I told you I would get you that gun didn't I???? :))
After I dropped him off at his grandmothers, he kept hugging me and saying over and over....thank you....I love you. And you know what....the funny thing is...he would have hugged me over and over and said the same things WITHOUT the rifle.
I did say to him...C please don't EVER give up on me. It might take me a little bit to get you what you want...but I'll ALWAYS try to get it for you....just please don't EVER give up on me.
I learned a long time ago...that our children are gifts from God....they aren't ours....they are only on loan to us for a short time. And for us to do the best that we can with them. If nothing else I hope that both of mine learn that.
You see the money that I used for the rifle came from the same place that I got the money to buy him a bow two years ago....my side job of embroidery. While I was talking to his coach and said that about the truck....he said to me...you know...you're a good Mama. Those words are the BEST words that I've had said to me in a LONG time. I almost started to cry, due to the fact that one of the things that my ex said to me time and time again....besides he didn't want me and NO other man would either was that I was a bad mother. I smiled to myself and said....Thank you...I try. And he said to me....you know C is a GREAT kid...and he deserves it. To which I replied...you know....I agree with you. He IS and he DOES!
I wish I had a camera when C saw the gun. I had put it on his bed and didn't tell him anything. He was ALL smiles. And he came up behind me, rubbed my back (while I was hooping another embroidery job) and said....Thank you, Mama. I replied with you're welcome. And he grabbed that rifle and was looking it OVER!!!!!!!!!
His coach called before I had gotten back from taking K to her horse riding lessons, and I was talking to him, and he said is C around...I laughed and said he will be when I get home. So he and I talked until I got home and I handed C the phone and said....Mr. C is on the phone...so he talked to C. And when C got off the phone, I asked him what did the coach say....he grinned and replied with....Mr. C said...I told you I would get you that gun didn't I???? :))
After I dropped him off at his grandmothers, he kept hugging me and saying over and over....thank you....I love you. And you know what....the funny thing is...he would have hugged me over and over and said the same things WITHOUT the rifle.
I did say to him...C please don't EVER give up on me. It might take me a little bit to get you what you want...but I'll ALWAYS try to get it for you....just please don't EVER give up on me.
I learned a long time ago...that our children are gifts from God....they aren't ours....they are only on loan to us for a short time. And for us to do the best that we can with them. If nothing else I hope that both of mine learn that.
The GOOD Napkins....

I received this in my email and it made me stop and giggle.
My mother taught me to read when I was four years old (her first mistake). One day, I was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors was ajar.
I read the box in the cabinet. I then asked my mother why she was keeping 'napkins' in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen?
Not wanting to burden me with unnecessary facts, she told me that those were for "special occasions" (her second mistake).
Now fast forward a few months.... It's Thanksgiving Day, and my folks are leaving to pick up my uncle and his wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all of us while they were gone. Mine was to set the table.
When they returned, my uncle came in first and immediately burst into laughter. Next came his wife who gasped, then began giggling. Next came my father, who roared with laughter.
Then came Mom, who almost died of embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a "special occasion" Kotex napkin at each plate, with the fork carefully arranged on top. I had even tucked the little tail in so they didn't hang off the edge!!
My mother asked me why I used these and, of course, my response sent the other adults into further fits of laughter.
"But, Mom, you said they were for special occasions!!!"
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Not much good comes out of work.....
but I had my review yesterday and I think it was a good one. Not as good as it should have been and I told them that too...LOL.
But I was told that I had to be the easiest person to do a review for, but yet the hardest too. Seems if you've been working for a place around..ohhh I dunno....almost 21 years they sorta kinda run out of weakness/improvement areas and goals for you....go figure :).
And best news of all...I got a raise :D :D :D
But I was told that I had to be the easiest person to do a review for, but yet the hardest too. Seems if you've been working for a place around..ohhh I dunno....almost 21 years they sorta kinda run out of weakness/improvement areas and goals for you....go figure :).
And best news of all...I got a raise :D :D :D
Monday, February 19, 2007
**Big Sigh**
I received a text message from Charles....seems he's going to be a grandfather. His daughter is 2.5 to 3 months. I feel so sorry for him. He's like a walking zombie. I sent him a message that said to PLEASE be calm. He said that he shocked all the family by remaining calm. He just doesn't know what do to. He told her that he would support her with whatever she decided to do.
Friday, February 16, 2007
WOW...I don't do this much...LOL
Man oh man! When it rains it POURS! The oldest is able to get his license. But hasn't due to the fact that his father won't talk to me about it or anything else for that matter.
So I took it upon myself to contact him and talk about the issue of getting insurance for C so he can drive. Well his father bought a truck about a year ago and C thinks of this truck as his. He LOVES that red FORD. While talking to his father I was informed that the "truck" was NOT C's, but that his father considered it "THEIR" (his and his wife) 3rd vehicle. I said to him....but C thinks of it as his. And I'm told once again, it's NOT it's THEIR 3rd vehicle, and that C won't be driving it all the time like he thinks he will be.
C came to me one day and said...Mama don't tell daddy but...Daddy says if you don't pay 1/2 the insurance I won't be allowed to drive my truck to your house. I just looked at C and said...didn't I tell you he would do this? So after the talk on the phone with his father and seeing that his father expects me to pay 1/2 the insurance on a truck that C won't be allowed to drive...I say NO. I'm NOT paying for the insurance on a truck that EVERYONE but C can drive. Now I get to go and find a vehicle that C and drive whenever, plus I get to pay for insurance too. But I look at it this way...at least C will have a car and will be able to get himself back and forth to school and maybe take his sister to school for me too.
And to think...I get to do it ALL over again in 3 years!
So I took it upon myself to contact him and talk about the issue of getting insurance for C so he can drive. Well his father bought a truck about a year ago and C thinks of this truck as his. He LOVES that red FORD. While talking to his father I was informed that the "truck" was NOT C's, but that his father considered it "THEIR" (his and his wife) 3rd vehicle. I said to him....but C thinks of it as his. And I'm told once again, it's NOT it's THEIR 3rd vehicle, and that C won't be driving it all the time like he thinks he will be.
C came to me one day and said...Mama don't tell daddy but...Daddy says if you don't pay 1/2 the insurance I won't be allowed to drive my truck to your house. I just looked at C and said...didn't I tell you he would do this? So after the talk on the phone with his father and seeing that his father expects me to pay 1/2 the insurance on a truck that C won't be allowed to drive...I say NO. I'm NOT paying for the insurance on a truck that EVERYONE but C can drive. Now I get to go and find a vehicle that C and drive whenever, plus I get to pay for insurance too. But I look at it this way...at least C will have a car and will be able to get himself back and forth to school and maybe take his sister to school for me too.
And to think...I get to do it ALL over again in 3 years!
Friday, January 12, 2007
It's been a LONG day.....
Have you ever had a day that you thought would never end? I've had a couple of months...LOL. But hopefully soon it will slow down. My oldest will try for his drivers licenses soon, and my youngest will have a birthday soon.
I don't think I'll be able to take a DEEP breath until June of 2009 when the oldest SHOULD graduate high school. I love him to death, but he just might be the death of ME!...LOL.
Things have been happening in my life lately that I have NO control over and it's the type of thing that makes you go....hmmmm???? I wish there was something I could do, but I think only time will tell, and by that time I hope it's not too late.
I've been trying to start a business but so far it's only frustrated me. I can't get it off the ground and it makes me wonder if it's just the wrong time for me. I have people saying...ohhh I'll help you, but so far I have myself to rely on and that's NOT going well. But the side job does help pay for the little extras...you know like, food, lights, the house....LOL...okay not that but things for my kids. Well it's getting late....okay late for me, and I guess I'll end now.
I don't think I'll be able to take a DEEP breath until June of 2009 when the oldest SHOULD graduate high school. I love him to death, but he just might be the death of ME!...LOL.
Things have been happening in my life lately that I have NO control over and it's the type of thing that makes you go....hmmmm???? I wish there was something I could do, but I think only time will tell, and by that time I hope it's not too late.
I've been trying to start a business but so far it's only frustrated me. I can't get it off the ground and it makes me wonder if it's just the wrong time for me. I have people saying...ohhh I'll help you, but so far I have myself to rely on and that's NOT going well. But the side job does help pay for the little extras...you know like, food, lights, the house....LOL...okay not that but things for my kids. Well it's getting late....okay late for me, and I guess I'll end now.
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